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Barnett (503) 467-6602 Solomon (503) 880-1300
Welcome to our website - find out about our services – visit our store.
Barnett (503) 467-6602 Solomon (503) 880-1300
It is in the realm of portraiture that Barnett’s unique vision becomes clear. His portrait of Dominican artist Hampton Rodriguez is a revelation. The subject’s sad eyes and wild, side-lit hair capture the viewer’s immediate attention but yield to subtler, almost painterly details.
Richard Speer, Art Critic
We have contracted with Frank Barnett Photography studio and gallery in Salem to offer fine art photo copying, photo restoration and printing to our customers.
Brent Allen
General Manager
Elsinore Framing and Fine Art Gallery
Mart, thank you a million times for all the work, writing, editing, checking, attending to details, getting images, herding, and everything else you've done for this exhibit. I love how it looks. I'm going through withdrawal, I haven't seen you all day.
Marsha Matthews
Director of Public Services
Oregon Historical Society
When Frank Barnett first saw my collection of vintage toy trucks, he said, “this should be a book and a museum show!” Years later, chance brought us back together again and it was time to do the book. For six months, Frank and Mart and I worked together, and when the book was complete, it far exceeded any expectations I had. We had produced a beautiful and well-documented book that Frank photographed and Mart wrote.
Patrick Russell
President, All American
Toy Company (1992-2015)
As the executor of the estate of my artist mom JoAn Tolman, I was referred to Frank and Mart’s photography studio to begin reproducing her work for the many family members who wanted copies. Both oils and pastels were faithfully recreated and color-matched to the originals. One of the pastels had a deep crease from top to bottom that had begun to tear from being stored rolled up for a long time. You’d never know, from Frank’s reproduction, that the original had been so badly damaged. We’ve made several archival prints and are very pleased with the quality. The family would also like to make a book of my mom’s artwork and we plan to have Frank and Mart work on that with us.
Don Tolman, Executor
Estate of JoAn Tolman
Frank Barnett Photography has been printing with us for several years now, and I’m very impressed with their photo restoration work. It’s very rare, if ever, that I need to adjust their files.
Bill Johnson
Fine Art Printer
Salem Printing & Blueprint, Inc.
I took in a picture made in 1913. I had no idea it would come out so beautifully. Family members are now asking for copies. I can’t wait to have more family photos restored.
Lynda J. Lentz
Owner & Operator
Valley Merchant Police
Barnett’s emotionally charged images radiate with the observed and hidden, the animate and the inanimate, as they peer inside the soulful complexities of people who are hurting, people on the margins of society, people living, as one critic described, “out on the edge of things.”
Judith Margles, Director
Oregon Jewish Museum and
Center for Holocaust Education
It is not an understatement to say that during my six years at the Museum of New Mexico as the head of marketing and public relations, no outsider individual or firm was able to grasp so quickly the overall picture of our promotional and marketing needs.
Beverly Becker, Director
Marketing & Communications
The Museum of New Mexico
The University of California Press has always been an aggressive publisher in the scholarly field and is known for effective promotion which, in turn attracts new authors to our list. This Frank did with notable success. I am unaware of any other publishing person on the West Coast who can match Frank’s dynamic skills.
Harlan Kessel
Sales and Promotion Manager
University of California Press
Frank rendered a valuable service to Levi Strauss & Co. by putting together a package of services from a graphic designer, typesetter, translator, and printer for the purpose of redesigning and publishing the company’s monthly employee publication.
John Pachtner
Employee Communications Manager
Levi Strauss & Co.
Frank was attentive to Museum restrictions; spoke with all four Museum directors and their curators as well as toured all the collections; met with Native American vendors across the state; introduced himself to Hispanic craftsmen and, generally, became well versed in the vast and beautiful cultural wealth of New Mexico. The product was a supremely beautiful catalogue.
Melissa Houston Engestrom
Director of Development
Museum of New Mexico Foundation
Frank’s photography is artistic and simple, yet detailed and intriguing. It tells a story with the image, light, angle and style of the subject. He can make anything visually interesting!
Irene Bernards
Tourism Manager & Assistant Director
Salem Convention & Visitors Association